Think and Grow Rich

Many years ago I had pondered about the meaning of success and what
it actually meant. Heck, it really played on my mind. So I
wandered into a bookstore at a local shopping center in the San
Fernando Valley area of Los Angeles. As I went looked through
several books..once popped out at me.

That book happened to be Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich. At the
top of it was the statement:
Well that intrigued me so I purchased it. It was a smaller paperback
version by Fawcett Crest Books. Little did I know the impact it would
have on my life.

“More men and women have been motivated to achieve success because of
reading Think and Grow Rich than by any other book written by a
living author.” -W. Clement Stone

Years later I came across another paperback version which was a high
quality copy of Hill’s 1st Edition, 3rd Printing. This time
it was published by Melvin Powers’ Wilshire Book Company.
You see, Melvin just happens to be a legend in his own right who
also followed the principles of Napoleon Hill.

You now have the chance to purchase a copy of Napoleon Hill’s famous
book that is published by another legend in marketing. This
version of Think and Grow Rich leaves intact the original works
as Hill intended.

Napoleon Hill interviewed over 500 men, such as Andrew Carnegie, to
produce this book as well as The Law of Success. It distills the
essence of true success and gives you formulas, when applied,
will help you to become successful and even wealthy. And as Hill
always mentioned, make sure to take action on any idea deemed
worthy to use.

Now it your time to discover the same success that countless others
have from the wisdom in this book. Don’t you think you deserve
the same? Isn’t it time to Think and Grow Rich for you?

Then make the decision today. And most important, don’t simply buy
this book and let it sit on your bookshelf. It certainly is not
going to do you any good. Discover and idea and put it into
immediate action. That’s the only way any information in this book
will serve you.

I wish you much success in your life and with this book.

Book – $15.00

Think and Grow Rich Original Unabridged Audio
12 CDs….$50.00